There are very few anime villains with as terrifying of a reputation as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure'sDio Brando. Although many anime series feature heartless murderers who will do anything to ...
When it comes to JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure characters, no character is more infamous than Dio Brando. Acting as the main ...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is filled with moments that are almost too unbelievable to fathom, and these are eight of the most jaw-dropping.
the JoJo's Stone Ocean ending was a blessing in disguise that ended the rivalry between Dio Brando and the Joestar family with finality. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a Japanese multimedia franchise ...
Shielding his son from an attack from Dio Brando, George dies ... Jotaro isn't the nicest JoJo, but he gets the job done. He could, however, be a little nicer when he does. Jotaro is Joseph ...
Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is confirmed bisexual by series creator Araki, adding to the show's drama and flair. My Hero Academia includes Tiger, a transgender man, treated no ...