Dislocations are one-dimensional defects that occur in real crystalline solids and control their plastic deformation. The presence of dislocations permits atomic planes to slip "one atomic row at a ...
The process requires the addition or removal of atoms from the extra half plane of the dislocation by diffusion processes. Climb is therefore favored at high temperatures where point defects are ...
Previous research has revealed that imperfections in the structure, known as dislocations, form a network of defects which ...
This is a close-up view of an edge dislocation defect in a cement crystal simulation by scientists at Rice University. They analyzed the crystalline structure of calcium silicates used in cement ...
Dislocations are defects in the crystal structure of important engineering materials, such as metals, ceramics and semi-conductors, that strongly influence the properties of these materials. Research ...
More commonly a vacancy forms when a bubble pops. One-dimensional defects are also observed in the bubble raft model. Dislocations fall into this category. While direct identification of a dislocation ...
the supercell-pseudopotential method, the GW formalism,Quantum Monte Carlo, learn-on-the-fly molecular dynamics, finite-temperature treatments, etc. A wealth of applications are included, from point ...
Threading Dislocation (TD): A type of defect in crystal structures that can affect the performance of semiconductor devices. Van der Waals Epitaxy: A growth technique that allows for the ...