Do the hokey pokey, that’s what it’s all about. Beats me. Then, if or when the evil spirits are chased away, don’t make stupid passes. Don’t get all wigged out. Don’t turn the ball over.
“I do know who needs to hear this. Putting others down for your own personal gain, that ain’t it, people. After everything we’ve been through as a group, I know everybody wants to protect ...
Some people believe the Holi colours came from Krishna mischievously throwing coloured water over his milkmaids when he was a boy. This developed into the practical jokes and games of Holi.
The current price of Dogecoin (DOGE) is $0.168597, as of Mar 21, 2025. Over the last 24 hours, the price has moved by -0.67%, with a change of 0.37% in the past hour. For longer-term performance, the ...