On the red carpet, the “Mulholland Drive” actor and Great Dane looked like they were cut from the same cloth — literally.
While chocolate is a well-known toxin to dogs, you may not know what symptoms to look for if your dog eats some. Here are ...
Jackie Allenbrand founded P.H.A.R.M. Dog USA to help farmers with disabilities as well as illnesses. The program’s name...
The Critics' Choice Awards winner walked the red carpet with Bing, the dog who starred alongside Watts in new movie "The ...
Claude-Noëlle Toly’s 275-square-foot studio feels worlds away from Bleecker Street.
You'll likely have to lower your aesthetic standards a bit. But getting to relish two of life's greatest pleasures ...
They might be known as man's best friend but a surprising number of dogs have pulled the trigger on their owners.
Every day, many dogs, cats and small animals end up in the rescue centers of animal shelters. They all deserve a second ...
Bruce the Border collie was fell gravely ill after his owner started noticing changes and rushed to a vet in Manchester ...
Cats and dogs have an iconic rivalry as old as time. While some pups happily snuggle up to their feline housemates, others ...
In a “we recognize our own” moment, a dog went viral on TikTok for waving “another good boy” while on a ferry with his family ...