If you're planning on hosting some parties soon, then you probably want your drinking glasses to be shiny and clear, right?
As if that’s not enough, water helps regulate your body temperature, maintains electrolyte (sodium) balance, and supports ...
How important is drinking wine out of the correct glass? If you were to ask any sommelier, they would say it’s extremely important. Vinicultural Expert Matthew Cooks walks us through the different ...
If you are working outside during a heat wave, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends drinking 8 ounces (1 cup) of water every 15-20 minutes during work. Drinking water both ...
But admit that you really enjoy drinking a glass of the white stuff by itself, and it’s as if you’ve owned up to still sharing baths with a sibling or having to say goodnight to all 36 of your ...
All these things in the extreme are not good for your health. And I’m certainly not arguing that an extreme amount of drinking is good for you. Is there a playbook that could hurt the alcohol industry ...