A meta-analysis of previous studies indicates a positive effect, showing a reduced risk of certain cancers among coffee and ...
Getting the perfect cup of tea starts with using the right amount of loose-leaf tea. Here's how much you should measure out ...
A man was awarded $50 million on Friday by a Los Angeles County jury after he was severely burned at a Starbucks ...
Starbucks was ordered to pay Michael Garcia, a delivery driver who was burned by hot tea in a California drive-thru, $50 ...
A delivery driver has won $50 million in a lawsuit after being seriously burned when a Starbucks drink spilled in his lap at ...
Michael Garcia was waiting for his tea at a Starbucks drive-thru when it spilled on his lap after an employee handed it over.
A Los Angeles man was awarded $50 million from a jury in his case against Starbucks after he suffered life-altering burns ...