Kayla Alvarez, a mom in Massachusetts, gave birth to her daughter Mariah in the back of an ambulance with the help of a ...
A Cleveland emergency medical technician is recovering after authorities say he was attacked by a patient he and his ...
Imagine you or someone you're with suffers a medical emergency, but there are no available ambulances when you call 911.
The only ambulance service in Berlin is shutting down, ending a decades-long partnership for emergency medical services in ...
FORSYTH COUNTY, N.C. — A crash involving a Forsyth County ambulance and a car shuts down the 6600 block of southbound Silas ...
As volunteer shortages and financial struggles force ambulance services to shut down in Wyoming County, officials scramble ...
Emergency Medical Technician Mariela Acevedo is only 21, but after nearly two years as an EMT with Hall Ambulance, she's already begun to accumulate a world of experience. "There was this particular ...
A young EMT who rushed to help children trapped in an overturned school bus on the Garden State Parkway will be honored by ...
A local EMT is being honored after his quick-thinking actions helped rescue children from the school bus that overturned on ...
A head-on collision between an ambulance and a Jeep on a Winston-Salem highway left a patient dead Tuesday. It has not been determined if the person died as a result of injuries in the crash or from a ...