Federal Energy Minister Jonathan Wilkinson says Ottawa and the provinces should discuss the possibility of an oil pipeline to Eastern Canada to improve energy security and diversify trade.
Current local time in Eastern (Canada/Eastern timezone). Get information about the Canada/Eastern time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current ...
It’s been years since the prospect of a pipeline to carry oil from the West to the East of Canada has been front and centre. But new comments by the federal energy minister amid U.S. tariff ...
have been pushing the government to green-light a west-east pipeline to secure Canada's energy independence. They have both pushed for a revival of the Energy East project, or something like it.
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, among others, have been pushing the government to green-light a west-east pipeline to secure Canada's energy independence. They ...
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, among others, have been pushing the government to green-light a west-east pipeline to secure Canada's energy independence.
A Hamas official dismissed the "language of threats". Middle Eastcategory UN chief: Renewed hostilities in Gaza must be avoided at all costs 9:11 AM UTC Middle Eastcategory Trump and Jordan's king ...
“And that may mean that we need to have transmission lines that could bring electricity East-West ... them this week commented on the need for Canada to break down longstanding internal trade ...