After watching their teacher meticulously draw the alphabet in cursive on a whiteboard, students in Patricia Durelli’s fourth-grade class pulled out their pencils to practice writing the letters in ...
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Cursive writing is a skill many of us learned growing up, but it's unfortunately not part of the mandatory curriculum in Michigan. As a result, many children are missing ...
He lives in Cape Elizabeth. To other members of the Legislature deciding whether to hop on to the cursive bandwagon or to those who find themselves drawn to a cursive crusade, I respectfully ...
BOISE, Idaho (KIVI) – Lawmakers in Idaho are moving a bill which aims to make sure all students in the state are proficient at cursive writing through to the state House. Senate Bill 1044 would ...
BOISE, Idaho (KIVI) – Lawmakers in Idaho are moving a bill which aims to make sure all students in the state are proficient at cursive writing through to the state House. Senate Bill 1044 would ...