Elsa Pataky, also known as Elsa Lafuente Medianu, is a Spanish model, actress and film producer well known for her role in the Fast & The Furious films where she played Elena Neves. The Madrid ...
Notebook for celebrity sources/ your own pre-inverted latents: The notebook allows to use the directions on the sources presented in the examples. In addition, there's an option to edit your own ...
在这个奇妙的冰雪节,英雄甄姬穿上冰雪女王Elsa华丽的礼服,迈着自信的步伐,闪亮登场。 自信她力量,绽放强大的美 在迪士尼的梦幻宇宙中,《冰雪奇缘》以其独特的女性力量闪耀于世。它不再讲述王子与公主的爱情童话,而是聚焦于Elsa女王的自我觉醒与 ...