In Nature Neuroscience, UConn School of Medicine researchers have revealed a new scientific clue that could unlock the key ...
Although this process aims to protect the host through inhibition of the pathogen’s dissemination and survival, endothelial dysfunction and microthrombotic complications can rapidly lead to multiple ...
Atherosclerosis is characterized by the accumulation of fatty and fibrotic plaques, which preferentially develop at curvatures and branches along the arterial trees that are exposed to disturbed flow.
The polygenic risk score appears to identify patients who may benefit most from LDL-lowering therapy, say researchers.
Cellular senescence contributes to the pathophysiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular disease. Using endothelial colony-forming-cells (ECFC), we have demonstrated ...
Endothelial-to-Osteoblast Conversion (EC-to-OSB) regulates bone formation and homeostasis via the Kindlin-2/Piezo1/TGFβ/Runx2 axis. Reduced Kindlin-2 in endothelial ...
The polygenic risk score appears to identify patients who may benefit most from LDL-lowering therapy, say researchers.
The penis is a complex organ, thanks to the intricate network of blood vessels and tissues needed to engorge it. Scientists ...
We sought to determine whether exposure to IQOS aerosol impairs arterial flow-mediated dilation (FMD), a measure of vascular endothelial function that is impaired by tobacco smoke. Methods We exposed ...