“This means there are very small tolerances for the safe position of an endotracheal tube in a very premature baby and so even a small movement of the tube may be enough to dislodge it.
and 200 mm Hg in endotracheal tubes of internal diameter 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 mm. For each combination, six suction episodes were performed at 6-s intervals.
In dogs, endotracheal intubation is often necessary for surgery, dental prophylaxis, or other procedures that require gas anesthesia or ventilation. Following a few simple guidelines can help ...
The business, acquired by ICU Medical in 2022, has been dealing with a series of recalls and quality issues over the past ...
Smiths Medical has issued an urgent medical device correction for certain sizes of its Portex intubation oral/nasal endotracheal tubes due to a manufacturer defect that results in a ...