Tanmatsu is a handheld terminal device for hackers, makers, and tech enthusiasts based on the 400 MHz ESP32-P4 RISC-V microcontroller, including a QWERTY keyboard, and supporting various connectivity ...
ESP32 的功能框图是一种图形化的方式,用来展示 ESP32 芯片的主要功能、组件和接口。它可以帮助用户了解 ESP32 的硬件结构和工作原理。ESP32 的功能框图如下图所示: 从功能框图中,我们可以看到 ESP32 主要包括以下部分: ...
Integrating wireless control into brushless direct current (BLDC) motor systems opens up exciting possibilities for applications such as remote-controlled cars, robots, and other innovative systems.
TWO popular household goods retailers, The Home Store and Excellent Stores, have closed their branches at the C3 Centre, San Fernando. This is not the only branch that The Home Store has announced ...
在当今科技飞速发展的时代,物联网技术正以惊人的速度改变着我们的生活。而在这个充满无限可能的领域中,上海乐鑫芯片总代理商飞睿科技 Wi-Fi ...
An Arduino project to log GPS data to a MicroSD using the tiny XIAO ESP32-C3. The components are small and light enough to fit around a cat collar! Now we know where the cat runs around at night :-) ...
The Inky Frame 7.3″ is a Pico 2 W ePaper display featuring a 7.3-inch E Ink screen with 800 x 480 resolution and 7-color support. Other features include five LED-equipped buttons, two Qwiic/STEMMA QT ...
C3.ai is gaining ground in conjunction with momentum for speculative AI stocks today. Investors may also be betting that the company will benefit from Palantir's new defense initiatives.