The announcement of the MediaTek Genio 720 and Genio 520 octa-core Cortex-A78/A55 AIoT SoCs is one of the news I missed at Embedded World 2025. The new models appear to be updates to the Genio 700 and ...
What makes this Wildscape Terra build quirky (and fun!) is the combination of a classic single-level layout with an unusual elevated office. Additionally, instead of the smaller, more compact ...
大家好,我是麦鸽。 今天咱们来唠唠一个嵌入式开发里的“小能手”—— lwbtn按钮驱动库,这玩意儿是专为单片机等资源紧张的小设备设计的按钮管理神器,作者是国外嵌入式大佬MaJerle。 简单来说,它就像给电路板上的物理按钮装了个“智能管家”,帮你把 ...
WeasyPrint is free software made available under a BSD license. It is based on various libraries but not on a full rendering engine like WebKit or Gecko. The CSS layout engine is written in Python, ...
tie PCM5102 SCK (12) to low (bridge short land) H1L (FLT) = L H2L (DEMP) = L H3L (XSMT) = H H4L (FMT) = L See "Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico" Put "pico-sdk", "pico-examples" and "pico-extras" ...
so you can design projects with a multi-page layout. The newest version has introduced AI tools, including Vector FX, which streamlines vector graphics creation, an update to the Painterly Brush ...
本报讯(通讯员 姜寿钧 周洪洋 YMG全媒体记者 唐克 摄影报道)3月15日,装载着10根大型风电单桩的“泛洲8”轮从蓬莱顺利启航,驶往荷兰。这是这艘全球最大载重甲板货船的首次载货营运,烟台海事局全力做好本次出航的服务保障。 据了解,“泛洲8”轮于2025 ...