Do you live in the countryside in Spain and fancy having your own chickens, cows and/or sheep? Unfortunately, even this ...
It might look fake, but this is the world's cutest sheep. It looks fake but has some of the cutest quirks you've ever seen.
It took thousands of years to develop the world's extraordinary range of domesticated farm animals—an estimated 8,800 ...
A farm in central Massachusetts is doing things the old-fashioned way by using dogs to herd sheep, instead of ATVs. It's at Little Brook Farm in Sunderland where 6-year-old sheepdog Bett does her job.
By: Karla Blackstock, Executive Director of the American Dorper Sheep Breeders’ Society and Dan Quadros, Ph.D., Small ...
Ohio-based Stop Animal Exploitation Now filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in late February.
In January, a dog chased 50 sheep close to his farm, cornering three of them. He told UTV: "It (the dog) cut one animal quite badly all down the sides of the neck and down the sides of the leg.