A recent study utilizing the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) has confirmed the "radio-quiet" characteristics of four magnetars and one magnetar-like pulsar.
The world's largest telescope is almost as big as your house—and it’s unlocking the universe’s biggest mysteries.
Astronomers have finally traced a strange class of radio signals—long a cosmic mystery—to a binary star system made up of a ...
A research team led by McGill identifies neutron stars as the likely source of fast radio bursts, one of the universe's most ...
Using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), Chinese astronomers have detected a new ultra-faint ...
"Historically, astronomy has left an indelible mark on human society and played a pivotal role in intellectual enlightenment, ...
Astronomers say they have traced a mysterious pulsing in the Milky Way to a surprising source: a dead star locked in a dance ...
The team tracked the signal back to a strange binary system containing a dead star or " white dwarf " and a red dwarf stellar ...
In 2007 astronomers discovered a strange event in data obtained using the 63m radio telescope at Parkes, Australia. It was a ...
Part of the worlds biggest mega-science facility the SKA Observatory is being built in outback Western Australia. After ...