The brightly colored flier from Los Angeles County officials includes a chipper call for help in the Eaton fire zone ... The digital poster invites the public to Loma Alta Park every Saturday ...
Sacramento, Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne counties are represented in the new maps. The next phase of updated California Fire Hazard Severity Zones, which assess the likelihood of wildfire ...
An updated draft Fire Hazard Severity Map is now available for public review and comment. This map is based on CalFire’s updated Fire Hazard Severity Zones, which determine fire hazard classifications ...
Residents can now check with new Cal Fire fire hazard severity zone maps released Monday to find out. This latest batch of maps detail the severity of fire hazard by area. Hazards are rated ...
CHICO, Calif. – Many homes in East Chico are now considered very high risk to wildfires under CAL FIRE’s updated security zones map and homeowners in the area are concerned. Neighborhoods near Little ...
Credit: Courtesy of Cal Fire In new fire hazard severity maps released last week by state fire officials, Oakland saw a significant reduction in its “very high” hazard zone and a 32% reduction in ...
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) recently released new fire hazard severity zone maps for Northern California, and the 2.3 million acres of high wildfire risk have ...
Cal Fire’s updated maps will add 1.4 million acres to zones requiring stricter fire safety regulations, including parts of San Joaquin County around Tracy and Mountain House. The new maps ...
Cupertino, with only 16 acres in the very high hazard zone in 2011, now has 1,053 acres in that category, another 542 considered high hazard, and 406 moderate. Fire hazard severity map for ...