Those floating incandescent insects that are harmless, only come out during a short period in the summer, and are known by many names—most commonly either lightning bugs or fireflies.
Narrator: There are over 2,000 individual firefly species, all within the taxonomic family of Lampyridae, which is pretty easy to remember. And these lightning bugs with their flickering light ...
In a state where lightning bugs are a rare sight, these recent appearances are delightful and intriguing. Here's what to know ...
So, be on the lookout the next several days for their emergence and light show. The name firefly, lightning bug or glow worm can be interchanged and belongs to the beetle family of which there are ...
There’s an undeniable magic to fireflies, an ephemeral charm that touches people of all ages. Also known as lightning bugs, fireflies are found around the world — or are they?The recent ...