A PROCEDURE has been developed for selectively increasing the responsiveness of a hydrogen flame ionization detector 1 to compounds which contain chlorine, bromine, iodine or phosphorus.
IT has been found that the electrical conductivity of a flame burning a mixture of hydrogen ... and this effect can be used for detection purposes in gas chromatography.
Become a MEED subscriber for unlimited access to: Exclusive news, comment and analysis on the MENA region An unrivalled 20-year old archive Exclusive announcements on project news, bids, awards and ...
(KATV) — Little Rock Black Firefighters' Flame hosted an Adopt-A-Street event ... They also handed out free smoke detectors to those in attendance in an effort to promote fire safety and ...
CLINTON, N.Y. (WKRC) - A mother and her baby died in a fire at an Airbnb after the owners allegedly lied about the smoke detectors being functional. According to a press release from the New York ...