Two Florida botanical gardens placed on this list of the top '10 Best in the U.S.' Here's why, where they are and how much it ...
Do you have a green thumb? Maybe you’re interested in growing something that will blossom in your yard. The spring gardening season is a […] ...
It really has fostered a sense of environmental responsibility in our community,” said one village council member.
Florida has the widest variety of ferns in the continental U.S. (only Hawaii and Puerto Rico have more), and 123 of these are native to the state. Gardening with ferns is relatively easy given the ...
The many gardeners today who are avid native plant admirers can enjoy azaleas in their Florida-friendly garden, too. The azaleas native to northern Florida are classified as rhododendrons and not ...
Bulbs can be added to a garden site with filtered sun ... Tom MacCubbin is an urban horticulturist emeritus with the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Write him: Orlando ...