Two windswept beaches 80km south of Adelaide have been closed to the public after locals reported "more than 100" surfers ...
Video. An unexplained microalgal bloom has caused fish deaths and toxic foam on South Australian beaches, leading to closures ...
Marine scientists took water samples from the foam, which is a byproduct of the toxic organisms' decay, on Monday, but it could take until the end of the week to identify the organism, Gaylard said.
The water within the foam, however, is a different story with ... they will take water samples to Binghamton University Assistant Professor of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering Yuxin ...
But the Aug. 19 Brunswick spill, which happened when a faulty sprinkler system dispensed 1,450 gallons of foam concentrate and 50,000 gallons of water in an airport hangar at Brunswick Landing ...
Georgia crews are using water to contain wildfires that have burned more than 2,000 acres as it stays away from the type of firefighting foam containing “forever chemicals.” ...