富士X-H2S是一台拥有2616万像素成像能力APS-C画幅无反相机,这台相机还可以拍摄6.2K超清视频,以及最高40张/秒的高速连拍性能 ...
In this section you'll find photographic features that explore holidays and photography courses, details about members meetings, trials and tribulations of installing new software along with ...
Credit: Fujifilm The X-T5, X-H2, and X-H2S all receive the same update, which includes an enhancement to exposure tracking when using the Fujifilm XF 16-55mm f/2.8 R LM WR II, a versatile zoom ...
Today, Fujifilm announced an upcoming firmware update for the X-H2, X-H2S, and GFX 100 II that's meant to improve the cameras ...
Fujifilm has rolled out a series of firmware updates for many of its mirrorless cameras, including the first update for the ...
Fujifilm has issued firmware updates for the following cameras: X-T5, X100VI, X-H2, X-H2S, X-T50, X-M5, GFX100S and GFX100, which are available to download now. The Fujifilm X-T5 is one of eight ...