The NBS on Monday released data of China's economy in the first two months of 2025, which showed industrial output, fixed asset investment and retail sales all growing at a faster pace than a year ...
In response to a relevant query, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a regular press conference in Beijing on Tuesday that despite mounting tariff barriers, a complex external ...
Noting that China's economy has strong resilience, vast potential and ample vitality, He said China is committed to promoting ...
美国高盛集团曾预测中国的国内生产毛额(GDP)将在2075年跃居世界第一,超越美国。但日本智库最新预测发现,从总和生育率来看,中国到2075年将降至0.8,GDP规模的中美逆转不会发生,但假使美国总统川普的政策影响长期化,中国GDP仍有在2049年超 ...
China still has considerable room for counter-cyclical adjustment in macro policies and is confident in delivering ...
零售贸易扭转了去年12月的增长态势,成为加拿大1月份经济的最大拖累因素,环比收缩0.9%。其中,汽车及零部件经销环比下跌3.2%,是4个月以来的首次下滑;食品和饮料店销售环比下降2.6%;体育用品、爱好、书籍和音乐销售环比跌幅达9.6%。 批发贸易在连续2个月下滑之后出现反弹,1月份环比增长0.7%。汽车和零部件批发分销领域环比增长4.5%,达到2020年2月以来最高水平。 加统计局的初步估算显示 ...
China's "investments in digital economy are not just serving the Chinese sector, but also the world sector," said a Kenyan observer. #GLOBALink ...
财联社报导,博鼇亚洲论坛2025年年会25日发布《亚洲经济前景及一体化进程2025年度报告》和《可持续发展的亚洲与世界2025年度报告》两份旗舰报告提到,尽管世界经济增长不确定性增大,但亚洲仍将成为世界经济主要引擎,预计2025年亚洲加权实际GDP增 ...
With the conclusion of the China Development Forum (CDF), one of the country's major international event, China ushers in its ...