The PC version of Grand Theft Auto V has been treated to a free tune-up, but a few additions and omissions have sparked ...
所有目前拥有 PC 版 GTA 5 的玩家将可以免费把游戏升级至新版本,以及可以迁移您的故事模式和在线模式进度。 PC 版新功能 升级之后,目前的 PC 版玩家,以及第一次加入这个游戏的玩家,可以获得备受期待的全方位 GTA ...
Following its debut on Steam, GTA 5 Enhanced has welcomed a healthy number of players. At the time of writing, there are still 108,568 of us heisting cars and getting up to who knows what over on ...
昨晚,备受瞩目的《GTA 5》PC 增强版终于在Steam与Epic商城上架,为庆祝首发,两大平台均推出了限时五折优惠,活动将持续至3月21日。在Steam国区,该版本的首发价格为71.25元,而Epic国区则定价为74.5元。 值得注意的是,已经拥有《GTA ...
GTA 5 Enhanced has its own listing on Steam hidden from usual searches, but don't panic about your access to Rockstar's ...
Grand Theft Auto Online players are being charged almost 2,000,000 GTA$ for redeeming a free vehicle included with Grand ...
Languages: English. Late last month, Rockstar Games announced that GTA 5 would be getting a huge free update for all players on PC, bringing the game up to the standard of the PS5 and Xbox Series ...
After logging to GTA Online players are welcomed by information about a new car. Karin s95 is offered for free… it is not.
However, Rockstar states that the original version of GTA Online on PC will be split into a “separate instance”, meaning ...
The Arms Trafficking missions in GTA 5 Online is a series of new free-mode jobs recently added to the game. Like in the story mode, these missions are directly connected to McKenzie Field Hangar.
Here's a rundown on the key differences between GTA 5 Legacy and Enhanced on PC, including graphics upgrades, performance ...