Five co-workers from the Toronto area have cashed in on a whopping $60 million Lotto Max ticket they purchased right before the Lunar New Year.
The group of five coworkers purchased their OLG Lotto Max ticket at Giant Tiger on Kipling Avenue in Etobicoke.
Several publishers have had to concoct alternative plans for releasing new games, depending on when exactly GTA 6 is released ...
Another exec at a big game company told the outlet that it’s “tough out there,” even without GTA 6 around. “It’s immensely ...
Following a copyright strike on their YouTube channel, a GTA modder has decided to take down their recreation of GTA 6’s ...
1 天
游侠网 on MSN难道是还原太精准了?《GTA6》地图MOD遭封杀移除近日,一款基于泄露数据制作的《侠盗猎车手6(GTA6)》地图MOD在《给他爱5》中发布后,迅速被Take-Two Interactive采取法律行动下架。MOD作者Dark Space表示已终止相关开发工作,并撤下了所有下载链接。
1 天on MSN
据悉,Dark Space是以《GTA 6》泄露的坐标数据和官方预告片画面为参考,打造了一款可在《给他爱5》中游玩的《GTA 6》地图,并在自己的YouTube频道上传了演示视频。该Mod一经发布,便吸引了大量饥渴难耐的GTA玩家尝鲜。