Alpha-Gal Syndrome, also known as AGS, is a potentially life-threatening allergy that is caused after getting bitten by a thick.
New cases of alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) have emerged in areas outside the habitat of the lone star tick, suggesting other tick ...
The CDC confirms that black-legged ticks can trigger red meat allergy in humans expanding concerns beyond lone star ticks ...
Diisocyanates are used in the preparation of all polyurethanes, ranging from the foams used in shoe soles to the thermoplastics used in cell phone cases.
Aromatic diisocyanates, which give polyurethane foams their structure, are commonly prepared on the megaton scale in highly ...
Two Emerging Infectious Diseases studies link bites from black-legged (deer) and western black-legged ticks to potentially ...
Eating too much sugar can contribute to heart disease, obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. There is also an ...
Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is a severe tick-vectored food allergy caused by sensitivity to the galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose ...
半乳糖(Galactose, GAL)是一种天然存在的六碳单糖,广泛参与生物体内糖代谢和细胞识别过程,常作为糖蛋白和糖脂的组成部分,在靶向治疗和药物递送中具有重要作用。阿霉素(DOX)是一种广谱抗癌药物,通过抑制DNA复制和RNA合成来杀伤肿瘤细胞;硒纳米颗粒 ...
Creative Commons (CC): This is a Creative Commons license. Attribution (BY): Credit must be given to the creator. Non-Commercial (NC): Only non-commercial uses of the work are permitted. No ...
NHS-PEG-Galactose 是一种用于药物递送系统的化合物,结合了活性酯、聚乙二醇(PEG)和半乳糖(Galactose)三种成分。活性酯部分(NHS,即N-羟基琥珀酰 ...