Bad Same old design that doesn't feel premium Camera is not good at taking low-light shots No FM radio Major portion of internal storage taken up by Samsung apps (read bloat-ware) Expectations were ...
While excitement about the tablet category as a whole has died down, Samsung continues to push its high-end Galaxy Tab S which competes directly with Apple’s iPad and iPad Pro. The new Samsung Galaxy ...
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不论是靓丽画稿、独到创意还是巧妙设计,每个让人拍案叫绝的美好事物无不来源于妙手偶得:灵感自远方奔赴,如流星的火光划破思绪的沉寂,刹那间就能点亮迷蒙的夜色。也正因此,趁脑中迸发思路的瞬间将其记录下来就成为最重要的事情。在过去,有灵感记录需求的人们往往随 ...