Strange, tiny structures have been found in the rocks around the deserts of southern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
HIGHLIGHTS •Aircore drilling to test priority targets expected to commence in late-March, weather dependent, at the Balla ...
In the desert areas of Namibia, Oman, and Saudi Arabia, research work has revealed unusual structures that are probably due ...
Scientists Crack Mystery Behind Large Slabs of the Earth's Crust That Went 'Missing' From Geological Records The Earth is no ...
Mysterious tunnels in desert rocks may be the work of unknown microbes, hinting at a hidden world inside marble and limestone ...
The search will involve a new fleet of underwater robots that can operate independently at depths of up to 6,000 metres for ...
An ancient impact structure in remote northern Australia was recently spotted by one of NASA's Earth-observing satellite ...
These geochronological data can be applied to a variety of problems in igneous and metamorphic petrology, structural geology and tectonics, detrital provenance, paleobiological evolution, and ...
The 700–1,300 feet-wide space rock deformed rocks more than six miles from the impact site when it hit 600 million years ago.
The find had stirred some hope in Sunny’s family -- including his uncle Gulab, who had been camping at the collapse site ...