Some things are meant to be left behind.  Entering college, students undergo some natural shedding. Perhaps they stop playing ...
GEORGETOWN — Georgetown Theatre Workshop (GTW) continues its milestone 50th anniversary season with “Murder in the Studio,” a collection of three Agatha Christie radio plays, running March 7 ...
D.C. cinephiles are saying goodbye to a local hub for indie flicks, film festivals and $5 Tuesday screenings of cult classics ...
Spring is right around the corner and with it comes cherry blossom time, short sleeve weather and more great theater on local ...
Pressure Creatives, a Georgetown University Asian American musical production group, brings its third production, “Off The ...
Initial Auditions for The Georgetown Palace’s production of Proof will take place from Sunday, April 6 with callbacks on Monday, April 7 on the Playhouse Stage. The production is scheduled to open on ...