Had the deer been killed (or found dead) by a hunter, Milo Hansen’s giant would be the No ... a month later to retrieve them. The right antler from this set scores 98-4/8, and is currently ...
He dug through the leaves and uncovered a 5-point shed that scored 75 inches. Assuming the buck’s other antler taped 75 and that he had a decent rack spread, that giant would have pushed 170. With his ...
you may have noticed that older deer tend to have larger and more complex antlers. You might have also heard that deer shed their antlers every year. How can both be true? At the end of mating ...
Deer passed here, and maybe one dropped their antlers not too long ago. I notice where the deer stirred up the forest floor, overturned the leaves and walked through. In a clearing, they pawed the ...
I think that the best place to look for shed antlers is to hunt where deer, especially bucks, were feeding back in January. Good locations would be any agricultural fields such as corn ...
A CRITICALLY endangered giant barking deer has been spotted in Cambodia for ... The giant muntjac – known for its long antlers – was captured on a hidden camera in April in northeast Cambodia ...
A new species of fallow deer, Dama roberti, described by Adrian Lister and Marzia Breda in 2013. Left: fossil skull and antlers from Pakefield, Suffolk. Right: reconstruction by David Waterhouse.
That’s what many wildlife watchers and deer hunters want to know as winter ends. Did the buck they were watching make it through the season? Finding an antler can answer that question.
but this deer is one big boy! The antlers on this deer are pretty incredible, and there are quite a few things you can learn from the size of a deer's antlers. 🐶 SIGN UP to get “pawsitivity ...