Last year, African giant pouched rats like Carolina prevented nearly 400,000 new cases of a deadly disease. It's possible because of their extreme sense of smell. Carolina, an African giant ...
Often dismissed as pests, rats have long been misunderstood. But the African giant pouched rat (Cricetomys ansorgei), the world’s longest, is challenging that perception. With its intelligence ...
Scientists have been curious about how kangaroos evolved to hop with such efficiency. To investigate that, researchers turned to a sort of evolutionary second-cousin of the kangaroo, the musky ...
In Queensland's rainforests, the musky rat-kangaroo is the last of its family and provides insights into the evolution of hopping in kangaroos. Unlike other kangaroos, muskies use a unique 'bound' ...
Officially, the ngudlukanta – also known as the desert rat-kangaroo (Caloprymnus campestris) – is one of the many small Australian mammals lost to cats and foxes, but all hope is not gone.
To investigate that, researchers turned to a sort of evolutionary second-cousin of the kangaroo, the musky rat-kangaroo.
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One such initiative is of APOPO, a non-profit organisation, headquartered in Tanzania and working in 11 countries, that trains African giant pouched rats (nicknamed HeroRATS), to detect TB in ...