Megalodon was likely a long, streamlined predator, not a bulky giant. Scientists compared its bones with modern sharks.
Experts have said the prehistoric predator the Megaladon was a ‘sleeker’ creature than the one portrayed in the 2018 movie, ...
New research reignites debate over the size of this extinct giant, also suggesting it looked unlike a great white ...
These animals are estimated to have reached 15 to 18 metres long, which makes them similar in length to the biggest whale sharks. For comparison, the Museum's giant squid Archie measures in at 8.62 ...
A giant whale shark, estimated to weigh 2,000 kg, washed ashore in Kochuveli after getting entangled in a fishing net, ...
Residents worked together to rescue a 22-foot whale shark (butanding) that got tangled in a fishing net near the shore of ...
Few divers would give up the chance to swim with the two largest fish in the sea—whale sharks and basking sharks. Here's ...
The infamous beast, The Meg, that terrorised divers in the blockbuster film of the same name was closer to a whale, research suggests ... akin to a great white shark wrought havoc in the ocean.
Whale sharks entangled in fishing nets off Thiruvananthapuram coast highlight lack of compensation for fishers, conservation ...