Since physical and chemical erosion yield comparable carbon fluxes, studying both together is essential to avoid biases in erosion-driven carbon flux estimates.
The Hindu Kush Himalayas holds the world’s largest ice reserves outside the polar regions and extends 3,500 kilometers over Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, the People’s Republic of China, India, ...
Enhanced wake boats constitute a non-native, invasive species in Wisconsin and need to be thoughtfully regulated on our ...
“It had been hypothesized that widespread glacial erosion of continental interiors could be caused by the Snowball Earth ice,” said Kirkland, a professor in the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences ...
The lack of potable public water supply gave rise to sachet water popularly known as ‘pure water’. The sachet water and its ...
The pattern repeated at each glacial interval, showing a consistent relationship between global freeze events and more intensive erosion of continental interiors. This finding overturns the idea ...
The large waves generated by wake boats cause shoreline erosion, damage docks and boats ... On Wisconsin’s glacial lakes, wake-enhanced boats are a non-native, invasive species.
The PFRA operated on the Prairies from 1935 to 2009 and was instrumental in helping farmers address soil erosion and drought they experienced during the 1930s. Photo: File Glacier FarmMedia—Parks ...
“It had been hypothesized that widespread glacial erosion of continental interiors could be caused by the Snowball Earth ice,” said Kirkland, a professor in the School of Earth and Planetary ...
“This connection has been proposed before but it is controversial because the linkage is assumed rather than explained,” said Professor Graham Shields (UCL Earth Sciences) about a study linking ...