“Dramatic landscape change causing the emergence of macroscopic animals is a neat idea, but the paper introduces a hypothesis about glacial erosion/weathering that can be tested, rather than settling ...
“Dramatic landscape change causing the emergence of macroscopic animals is a neat idea, but the paper introduces a hypothesis about glacial erosion/weathering that can be tested, rather than ...
whereas those related to glacial flow path length may reflect inputs from glacial weathering. We expected that the effects of landscape and hydrology on physicochemical patterns would provide a ...
Weathering and erosion slowly chisel ... Back up on the mountains, snow and ice build up into glaciers that weigh on the rocks beneath and slowly push them downhill under the force of gravity.
Collection of detailed field observations to constrain models of geomorphic systems. Effect of glaciers on chemical weathering rates and the global carbon cycle. Linkage between glacier dynamics and ...
Glaciers are large masses of frozen ice that move slowly downhill. As glaciers move, they wear away the surrounding land through erosion. Glaciers sometimes transport material over long distances ...
The CO₂ levels in the atmosphere may have fallen because of increased weathering of rocks situated ... crucial role in ending these ice ages. As glaciers covered the planet, interactions between ...
The CO₂ levels in the atmosphere may have fallen because of increased weathering of rocks situated ... crucial role in ending these ice ages. As glaciers covered the planet, interactions between ...
We address a wide array of landscapes with an equally broad set of tools and methods. We study the weathering of rock to produce sediment, the transport of sediment on hillslopes and in rivers, and ...