Stephen Clarkson, who passed away last week, helped foil the 2007 terror attack by tackling suicide bomber Kafeel Ahmed.
A Glasgow man who helped foil the Glasgow Airport terror attack by tacking a suicide bomber has died. Stephen Clarkson ...
Stephen Clarkson, who had been picking up relatives from their holiday, was awarded the Queen’s Gallantry Medal for his ...
Tributes have poured in for the "Secret Hero" who tackled a terrorist to the ground at Glasgow Aiport. He died last week ...
A "secret hero' who helped foil the Glasgow Airport terror attack in 2007 has died after a battle with a rare cancer, aged 59 ...
A HERO of the Glasgow Airport terror attack died of a rare cancer after the NHS let him down, his family claim. We revealed that brave Stephen Clarkson, 59, lost his health battle last week. But ...
A “SECRET hero” who helped foil the Glasgow Airport terror attack by tackling a suicide bomber has died aged 59. Stephen Clarkson — who took down Kafeel Ahmed, 28, after the jihadist set himself ...
CALLS are being made for a memorial to a ‘secret hero’ who risked his life to foil the Glasgow Airport terror attack.