SPEAKING in tongues and languages known as glossolalia is a topic that causes serious schism in Christendom and religions and cults also want their voice to be heard. This is the first instalment ...
Lust for Youth were never quite as frigid as they seemed. Even on 2012’s Growing Seeds, the minimalist, abrasive solo debut of Swedish producer Hannes Norrvide, a song like “C ...
One Butoh w/ Louise Pōtiki-Bryant and Wamei (JP) - Audio Foundation presentsFuji Yuki- One Butoh Voice and Dance and Performance with Louise Pōtiki Bryant Support from Wamei (Jp)This project is ...
They sought that evidence, which they settled upon as glossolalia or speaking in tongues," explained Ralph Hood, who is considered the foremost expert on snake-handling Christians. The University of ...