Miss Manners, I did not keep talking to her while she finished exercising; I just looked at my phone quietly. I did nothing untoward to her. As she left the building, she said, “Have a good ...
However, you can open a new credit card with a long 0% intro APR and transfer balances from a high-interest card to this new one. This is a good strategy for reducing or eliminating the amount of ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is it bad manners to tell an old person that she looks young for her age? GENTLE READER: Can’t you just tell her how good she looks? Miss Manners is aware that the society ...
Miss Manners, I did not keep talking to her while she finished exercising; I just looked at my phone quietly. I did nothing untoward to her. As she left the building, she said, “Have a good ...
After all, Amex is known for its credit cards, but could they bring that same quality to a savings account ... The FDIC certificate number for American Express National Bank, Member FDIC, is 27471. It ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am pregnant, and I’d like to host a coed party to celebrate it. Not a baby shower: I do not want any gifts, and I do not want anyone else to have to shoulder the burden of ...
Dear Miss Manners: We have friends who seem to think ... Should I mention that a thank-you card is never issued? Never. No “Thank you for coming” words are spoken. There is no real heartfelt ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband and I spent a few days with some friends at a house in a rural setting near a small lake. During our stay, the electricity went out. The toilets did not work for over ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: A friend from college works in Europe now and asked to stay with me for 10 days when he was here visiting. I made sure he had fresh towels every day. His first day here ...