格隆汇3月27日丨心玮医疗-B (06609.HK)发布公告,自2025年3月27日起,王国辉先生不再担任董事会提名委员会成员,以加强公司的企业管治,并履行将于2025年7月1日起实施的香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则有关提名委员会性别多元化的新规定。张坤女士已同时获委任为提名委员会成员。
格隆汇3月27日丨交运燃气 (01407.HK)发布公告,截至2024年12月31日止年度收入为人民币370.4百万元,较2023年减少8.2%。本年度净利润为人民币30.2百万元,较2023年增加19.8%,本年度净利润率为8.2%,而2023年为6.3%。董事会建议派发本年度的末期股息每股普通股0.037港元。
Kai-Fu Lee, former Google Greater China President, renowned venture capitalist, and founder of 01.AI, stated that the gap ...
Autonomous driving technology is rapidly scaling, with companies like Google's Waymo and Baidu's Apollo Go leading the way. A pioneer in autonomous driving, Waymo operates commercially in four major ...
HONG KONG, March 13 (Xinhua) -- In the recently released Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by Subject 2025, six subjects from two Hong Kong universities made it into the global ...
[Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn] Christie's presented a preview for the upcoming series of 20th and 21st century art auctions scheduled to take place in Hong Kong and Shanghai, showcasing a ...
Following is the speech by Mr John Lee, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, at the Kai Tak Sports Park opening ceremony on the evening of March 1: Ladies and gentlemen, ...
外表娇小可爱,却拥有爆发力十足嗓音的 Reol,于2019年11月7日成为首位在 YouTube Channel 拥有超过100万订阅者的日本女性音乐人,同年12月4日,她在 YouTube FanFest Japan 2019 上获颁 Gold Creator Award。 从 niconico 到 Vocaloid,从团体到2018年以个人名义登上万人舞台,Reol不仅 ...
HONG KONG — The Second Agreement Concerning Amendment to the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement Agreement on Trade in Services (agreement II) was implemented on ...
providing matchmaking services for Hong Kong businesses to tap into the mainland market and share development opportunities, Fan added. Follow China.org.cn on Twitter and Facebook to join the ...