据称Google Pixel 9a 的营销材料已在网上浮出水面,由 X 上的 evleaks 提供。泄露的营销材料不仅揭示了 Pixel 9a 的设计和不同的颜色选择,还让我们一睹这款手机可能捆绑的一些功能。Pixel 9a 有四种颜色:黑曜石色、瓷器色、牡丹色和鸢尾色。泄露的图片还展示了该设备的摄像头模块,这与其他 Pixel 手机不同。其中一张图片重点介绍了该设备的防水功能,但确切的防水等级尚 ...
In a world where there are lots of fears about AI, Google has powerfully shown how it can be a force for good. Its Super Bowl ad, titled ‘Dream Job’, follows a father as he watches his ...
In Google Pixel tradition, those features appear to be quite heavily based on AI. In fact, the tagline for the ad itself is "Engineered by Google, with AI controlled by you." The video comes ...
The social campaign takes a tongue-in-cheek approach, not only showing off Google Pixel’s latest features but also throwing shade at the brand’s main competitor The classic battle between Mac vs PCs ...
谷歌最新力作Google Pixel 9a智能手机震撼登场,这款定位499美元(约3608元人民币)的设备,不仅深度沿袭了Pixel 9系列的精髓,更被谷歌自豪地称为500美元价位内摄影王者。 Pixel ...
Pixel users will soon be able to connect wirelessly to an external camera and stream video from two different angles.