Google Search and its Play Store app marketplace are suspected of breaching the European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA), ...
Some Android owners are experiencing an issue where a notification is continually pinging them to update their Google apps.
Google has removed apps infected with KoSpy spyware from the Play Store. Users should delete affected apps immediately, ...
3月14日消息,三星公司于昨日(3月13日)在其官网发布博文,宣布从2025年5月15日起,Galaxy Store将实施新的收入分成模式,将当前的70/30比例调整为更加慷慨的80/20。此举旨在吸引更多游戏开发者拥抱三星的生态,同时扩大其在云游戏领域的影响力。