Learn more. FARMINGTON — University of Maine Cooperative Extension is set to offer a workshop on bench grafting apple trees from 5-7 p.m. Friday, March 28, at the Franklin County Extension ...
Spend the evening with Otter Tail County Extension and Dave Vaske from Miltona Greenhouses to learn about apple tree grafting. In this workshop, you will learn different techniques for grafting trees, ...
People graft apple trees for many reasons. The main one is that apple trees planted from seed almost always produce fruit with inferior flavor to the fruit from the parent ...
If you're growing fruit trees, then harvesting the (literal) fruits of your labor is the most exciting part. To speed that ...
Farmington — University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a Bench Grafting Apple Trees workshop from 5 – 7 p.m. on Friday, March 28 at the Franklin County Extension Office, 138 Pleasant Street ...
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Please note: This event has already taken place. Please use the Search options on the right to find upcoming events. Learn how to create an account and register for programs.
While familiarity with the term “grafting ... At that time, we can prune off the dead growth back to parts that are still alive. These resilient trees will often recover.
Artist Sam Van Aken fuses heirloom trees through a horticultural process known as grafting. He then plants them around the ...
When is the best time of year to prune apple trees? The traditionally recommended time is from about March through early April, after winter’s coldest weather is likely past, and when they’re ...