FARMINGTON — University of Maine Cooperative Extension is set to offer a workshop on bench grafting apple trees from 5-7 p.m.
In a nutshell, grafting is a horticultural technique that joins parts from two different plants to function as a single plant. So, why am I telling you about grafting now? Citrus trees are grafted ...
University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a Bench Grafting Apple Trees workshop from 5 – 7 p.m. on Friday, March ...
Researchers have found a way to graft cacao plants to boost their yields while preserving biodiversity. University of Göttingen scientists led an international team to enhance the growth of cacao ...
In this episode (Ep5) I explain how I save plants in the category I call "Cuttings & grafting" from our food garden to grow more organic plants next season. This is the final episode in this ...
Cocoa farmers are collaborating with businesses to safeguard their crops from the harsh effects of climate change.
The Directorate of Cinchona and Other Medicinal Plants (DCOMP) in collaboration with Cluny Women’s College, held the ...
Now it will help the tree grow new fruit,” farmer Tari Santoso says with a smile. Thousands of cocoa farmers across Indonesia ...
GATE CITY – The Scott County Extension Office will host apple tree grafting workshops Thursday, March 27, at 2 p.m. at the ...