De zeer geavanceerde techniek van de moskee maakt het een uniek meesterwerk van islamitische architectuur. Located on the slopes below the castle of Divriği, Sivas Province in central eastern Turkey, ...
The online service, moreover, provides multiple options for performing rituals including the circumambulation of the Holy Kaaba in the Grand Mosque as well the full rites of the Umrah or minor ...
Multilingual broadcasts are available through Manarat Al Haramain digital platform Dubai: Sermons and religious lessons from the Grand Mosque in Mecca are now being translated into 11 languages ...
The remains of Kilwa Kisiwani cover much of the island with many parts of the city still unexcavated. The substantial standing ruins, built of coral and lime mortar, include the Great Mosque ...
Indonesia boasts the world’s biggest Muslim population. Plenty of Japanese use the mosque to pray, officials said. “We hope to make this mosque a place that all Muslims feel free to visit ...