Hardy and easygoing, they're also fantastic plants for propagating, which means its incredibly easy to grow the succulent ...
As a group, succulents are easy to care for because they are drought-tolerant. They need water, but not it as often as do many other plants.
A raindrop succulent, heart-shaped succulent planter and this adorable recipe for Dirt Pudding Cups with sugar succulents.
A diluted vinegar solution can be an effective way to control pests, such as aphids and mealybugs, on succulents. Mix one ...
I paid a lot of attention to those words because I already had a big — make that a giant interest in growing these fascinating plants that seemed to defy the worst of abuse and still kept on growing, ...
To grow kiwano in your greenhouse, you need to keep the temperatures in this range. Plus, kiwano plants like high humidity, ...
Use a coarse, well-draining sand mix, or look for a mix made for succulents and cacti. A layer of pea gravel over the top will provide an attractive covering over the growing media. Succulents ...
African violet and low-growing succulents like echeveria. If your desk, counter, windowsill or shelf space is at a minimum, you can still add lots of green to your apartment by using the vertical ...
Cacti are a sort of succulent, but a succulent is not always a cactus. Find out more about this tropical plant and discover some amazing facts. Most plants get rid of litres of water every day ...