Why Plant Tulips in Fall. Like many other bulbs, including daffodils, crocus, and garlic, tulips need a period of cold called ...
If you didn't get around to planting your tulip bulbs in autumn, then you'll be thrilled to discover that it's not too late to plant tulips in January. You can plant bulbs in January on one condition.
Every year around this time, folks in my online gardening groups start discussing whether it’s a good time to plant tulips. And while planting bulbs in the dead of winter may seem like bizarre ...
If you want to fill your garden with colour next spring, plant bulbs from October to December, before the first frost. Daffodils, tulips, crocus, grape hyacinths and fritillarias are just some of ...
They claimed that there are a few bulbs that you can plant in January, “but it will depend on the conditions of your garden”. Planting tulips, crocus, and daffodils in January is fine as long ...