Those discussions highlighted opportunities for collaboration in agriculture, law enforcement, emergency response, and other critical sectors. The Brazilian ...
According to Ali, Olympic Kremlin’s Horse of the Year title is a fitting tribute to a season of pure excellence and one that will be remembered for years to ...
To make a direct call to Brazil From Guyana, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Brazil mobile or land line from Guyana. To call ...
Meanwhile, Brazilian Defense Minister José Múcio warned that “under no circumstances” would Maduro use his country's territory to invade Guyana. Múcio also explained that a sea attack would ...
As United States (US) authorities execute President Donald Trump’s mass deportation order, both undocumented and documented Guyanese are bracing themselves for the worst. Presently, Immigration and ...
CAMAÇARI, Brazil, (Reuters) – The workers who traveled from China to northeast Brazil to build a new factory for electric car maker BYD 002594.SZ earned roughly $70 per 10-hour shift ...
SAO PAULO, (Reuters) – Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to seek explanations from the U.S. government over the “degrading treatment” of Brazilians on a deportation flight ...
Brazil has negotiated the purchase of 225,000 tons of rice from the United States, India, and Guyana, which are expected in the country during the second half of October and November. In an ...
Guyana's economy achieved its fifth-consecutive year of double-digit growth in 2024, expanding 43.6% as oil production and exports showed solid increases, Finance Minister Ashni Singh told the ...