Get into the Big Game with the best big screen TVs that let you keep up on the action, stay updated on your favorite leagues ...
So, you've just about wrapped your head around the benefits of the 4K UHD resolution revolution and now the TV tech world is trying to get you to care about another new acronym. But HDR ...
IT之家1 月 23 日消息,海思技术有限公司今日发文宣布,“菁彩影像”(HDR Vivid)综合市场占有率达到 30%、“菁彩声”(Audio Vivid)综合市场占有率达到 10%。 菁彩影像(HDR Vivid)和菁彩声(Audio Vivid)已取得的成就如下: “菁彩视听”的在线视频总时长已超过 5 ...
Billed as a way to get brighter colors and a better image, HDR formats are becoming an increasingly important aspect of buying any new TV. But what exactly is HDR? And what’s the difference ...
而在HDR Vivid技术的加持下,《风味人间5·香料传奇》的每一集在画面质量,视觉效果上,都为观众带来更优质的观看体验。 HDR Vivid技术能够展现出更多的画面细节。比如在呈现香料的形态、色泽以及它们在烹饪过程中的细微变化时,能让观众清晰地看到每一粒 ...
“The implementation of a NextGen TV receiver, powered by Tolka and Advanced HDR by Technicolor, broadens access to HDR and SDR content for a growing audience,” Tolka Vice President Alex Day said.