Abstract: When cross-line same-phase successive faults (CSSFs) occur in a distribution network, the second fault makes the zero-sequence voltage consistently exceed 15% of the phase voltage, resulting ...
Ontario is not a noted earthquake area, but we do get them occasionally.
The last significant earthquake to shake up the region was Bowen’s 5.8 tremor in 2016 Dr Waszek also addressed a social media theory that there was a fault line running from Townsville to ...
21, “those are both on faults that we either didn’t know about or didn’t know were active,” she said. “These recent earthquakes are an excellent reminder that we live in earthquake ...
An earthquake rattled Greater Victoria just after 5 a.m. Monday, waking many residents. The 4.1-magnitude quake occurred 10 kilometres east of Orcas Island, Washington — 42 kilometres east of ...