Harbin Ice-Snow World, the world's largest ice-and-snow theme park, officially closed its 26th edition on Wednesday evening in the city of Harbin, the capital of China's northernmost Heilongjiang ...
Harbin Ice-Snow World, the largest theme park of its kind in the world, is set to close Wednesday night as temperatures rise, organizers announced Monday. By Sunday night, the 64th day of its 26th ...
As the Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival, I wish to extend ... Games Beijing to the Asian Winter Games Harbin, the passion in China for ice and snow has swept across the nation ...
据总统新闻办消息,梵蒂冈新任大使乔娃尼·嘎斯帕里今天向蒙古国总统乌·呼日勒苏赫递交国书。 递交国书后,总统接见新任大使,就扩展两国几百年的历史性关系、相互关心的领域更加积极合作问题交换意见。 同时,就扩展联合国及国际组织范围内的合作 ...
蒙通社乌兰巴托2月19日电,对今年白月节放假而言,按法定节假日法相关规定,全国实行将于2025年3月1日至2日放假。换言之,没有初一,仅在初二和初三放假,并从3月3日周一起开始,政府机构公务员将照常上班。对于私营机构来说,可按照其内部条规对营业和 ...