With her Wolf Hall books, novelist Hilary Mantel made Tudor bad guy Thomas Cromwell sympathetic. But as a new TV adaptation ...
Brush up on the Pole family, Charles V, the Holy Roman Empire & the history that shaped the events in Episode 1 as seen on ...
Henry VIII was brought up as a devout Catholic. In the early years of his reign he attended mass five times a day and his most trusted adviser was the head of the Catholic Church in England ...
Based on Hilary Mantel's novel "The Mirror & the Light," the last installment in the acclaimed television series chronicles ...
The English Reformation, prompted by Henry VIII’s splitting of the English Church from Rome, was about high politics and ...
Irish actors relay how the film made their own history come alive for them today and why they are proud to have been a part ...
A far reaching consequence of the lengthy negotiations for his divorce from Katherine of Aragon led to his break with Rome, leading to the establishment of the Church of England. On 11th June 1509 he ...